Monday, April 26, 2010

"Saga-Steads. In the footsteps of W.C. Collingwood" to open in The National Museum

In Saga-Steads we see photographs by Einar Falur Ingólfsson (b. 1966), who has used as his guide watercolours, drawings and photographs of Icelandic saga sites made by British artist/antiquarian William Gershom Collingwood (1854-1932) on a ten week journey in Iceland in the summer of 1897.

Over the past three years Einar Falur has retraced Colingwood's footsteps to the saga sites, going to the places he visited and studying his writings and pictures. He has used the vantage points chosen by Collingwood, but also found his own approach to the places to which Colingwood guided him.

The exhibition in the Arc Hall at the National Museum of Iceland will include will include a selection of Einar Falur's photos, together with some of the 300-plus works painted by Colingwood in Iceland, many of which are in the National Museum collection.

Crymogea and the National Museum publish a book on the project, which will include more pictures, along with an extensive text on the project, photography, travels and time.

The exhibition in part of the Reykjavik Art Festival 2010.

From the National Museum

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